There’s a phrase we girls coined last year. “Best
Summer Ever”. Yep.. I think I threw that out there on the first day at the
pool. I was confident that I had reached a point with my children that we would
be having little to no meltdowns and I was even more sure that I would be
pleasantly surprised by their cooperation skills.
Fast forward a few weeks into the summer grind and you could
hear momma after momma snicker as we would throw out the “Best Summer Ever”
phrase while one after the other would tote theirs to the bathroom for an
attitude adjustment. A string of summer fails could be met with “BSE” text from
all of us.
By the end of the summer we wished we had penned a “Best
Summer Ever Memoir”. Guaranteed a best seller.
So here we go again.... “Best Summer Ever part 2”. That’s
right. I declare a do over. My hopes are set high for Summer 2013. I’m going to
stare it in the eye and conquer it with mad ninja skills. Here’s how……
1. The ol’ Chore Chart. I’m fairly certain this
will be met with gnashing of teeth but I will prevail in my efforts. Three easy
peasy chores are all I will require of my children each day. Maybe I will look
up at the end of the week to a clean home.
2. Activity sheets. Oh to be a teachers child. My
mother was convinced that if we didn’t use it we would lose it. “It” being our
mad math and reading comprehension skills of course. I assured her that we were
the only lame kids on the block that ever had to do worksheets during their
summer break. Well…now my kids can be lame to. Welcome to the club kiddos.
3. Outdoor/Indoor planned activities. If its not
planned then it will not happen around my house. The intention may be there but if it’s not
prepared for then we all end up watching too much television all summer long.
That ain’t happening.
4. A little more lingering. I attend an amazing
bible class on Sundays. This past Sunday our teacher challenged us to take time
and linger. Linger in our relationships, conversations and God’s Word.
Essentially the word “Linger” means to be slow in parting or in quitting
something. To be reluctant to leave. I feel freakishly fast paced in my day to
day. Very little time to sit and converse with friends. Even more so in my
reading of Gods Word. Just to linger.
So I’m curious how you handle your summers? Do you have an survivor kit action
plan? I’m more than anxious to hear your
Peace Y’all